For your dairy cattle

APC feeding concepts

APC Austria > Cattle

APC has developed a product for intensive dairy cattle production which essentially enhances the processes in the rumen.

Animal health is our top priority as it has the primary responsibility for high fertility and longevity of dairy cows!

With the functional early weaning concept APC Procalf we succeed in enabling a problem-free, early weaning of the milk without growth break after weaning!

Improvement of the mucous membranes in the rumen and small intestine

higher intake of dry matter – more crude fibre intake = better rumination and   performance oriented rations

increased production of saliva – the best natural acid buffer in the rumen

that the rations meet better the demand of ruminants more closely and they are better performance related

higher dry matter intake

better feed conversion ratio – increased utilisation of protein and minerals in the small intestine

least cost formulations

higher milk yield

less metabolic disorders, good health status

better fertility

more lactations per cow

Less input of nitrogen and phosphorus

healthier cows, higher milk yield

significant relief of environment


We look forward to your contact request!

Ludersdorf 183, A-8200 Gleisdorf

0043 (0) 3112/ 75 20

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