Mode Of Action

APC feeding concepts

APC Austria > Poultry > Mode of action

Mode of action

APC natural feed additive blends consist of a specific mixture of clay minerals with synergetic effects, herbs, essential oils and a small quantity of trace elements. These ingredients undergo a physical processing and by that we achieve high effects with a small inclusion rate (0.2 %, 2 kg per ton ready feed)!

APC natural feed additive blends result in the animals having an improved and increased surface of the intestinal mucosa and better condition for the microbacteria

This leads to a significantly better feed conversion ratio.

These effects are a focused on a better absorption of proteins and minerals whereby these nutrients can be significantly reduced in the formulas.

A big part of expenses in the animal production results from feed costs. Because of this better absorption with APC natural feed additive blends, significant economie improvement can be made.

The mechanisms of action of APC natural feed additives

Worldwide, but especially in Europe, numerous researches of the effects of clay minerals have been made and published and have given the following results:

  • Enlargement of the surfaces of the mucous membranes in the rumen and small intestine
  • Improved nutrient utilization
  • More dry matter consumption
  • Toxin binding in the animal body
  • Increased ions transfer
  • An effect of inorganic fiber

The required use of the clay minerals was found with  a mixing rate of 3-5% in the mixed feed to achieve these effects.

Careful selection of raw materials

APC uses carefully selected clay minerals in their products and selects them according their synergistic effects.

With this is high and selective binding capacity of ammonium achieved and binding effects for mycotoxins!

The ammonium resulting from the breakdown of protein in the digestive tract can be fixed thereby partly. So, this form of nitrogen must not be detoxified and this takes burden from the liver.

Further more by these effects the ammonia in the stables and outgoing air is reduced by 30 – 50 %.

Additionally, due to the large surface of more than 50 m² per gram, these materials have a bioactive surface which shows overall detoxifying effects and therefore results in a “cleansing” of the digestive tract.

APC natural feed concepts for a healthier intestinal mucosa!

Small intestinal mucosa without APC

  • partly damaged intestinal mucosa
  • lower absorption of nutrients



Small intestinal mucosa with APC

  • healthy intestinal mucosa with enlarged surface
  • higher absorption of nutrients

Especially calcium, phosphorus and protein are significantly better used and can thereby be reduced in the formulas for monogastric, differently strong according to the species.

By this reduction, the acid buffer capacity is strongly reduced in the rations; a favourable environment for the development of lacto bacteria is generated which involves a significant reproduction of these.

The result is an enhanced immunity of the animals!

Acid buffer capacity of some raw materials

We achieve in the formulas with APC natural feed additives a reduction of acid buffer capacity from 15% to 35% and by this a much healthier intestine!

Acid buffer capacity in the formulas conventional and with APC

Relief of liver and environment

The reduction of soya meal (and therefore the reduced nitrogen input) in the formulas have the effects of relief of the liver, in addition by the reducing of the acid buffer capacity and by the lowering of the ammonium, which means once more a better performance and health.

The lower input in the formulas of protein in the second step supports considerably the relief of the environment.

It is possible with APC feed additives to reduce the emission of harmful gases (mainly the ammonia) in the air of the stables by up to 50% and the output of nitrogen and phosphorus in the manure!

Approx. 30 % of this effect comes from the reduced protein input in the formulas and

70 % of the ammonia reduction we achieve with the APC feed additives, by a selective ammonium binding capacity in the intestine of APC.

Ammonia (NH3)

Ammonia, a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell and it is already in low concentrations a strong poison for cells and respiratory tract.

From 15ppm ammonia up already clinical symptoms are happening, such as irritating coughing and reddened mucous membranes (eyelid skin, nose). The damaged mucous membranes (lesions) are portals of entry for many pathogens.


We look forward to your contact request!

Ludersdorf 183, A-8200 Gleisdorf

0043 (0) 3112/ 75 20

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