for your poultry

APC feeding concepts

APC Austria > Poultry > Products > APC add. HM/HZ I 0,2%

APC add. HM/HZ I 0,2%

Art.Nr. 1419

Natural feed additives  for POULTRY – young animals


The Concept

  • The usage of carefully selected clay minerals chosen out of there synergistic effects are the basic of the product APC HM/HZ I 0,2%.
  • We achieve high effects by a special physical processing and by that a much better utilization of all nutrients.
  • The APC HM/HZ I 0,2% product contains additional herbs and ethereal oils. These combinations increase the immunity of the young animals. The animals are healthier and more resistant against infections.
  • By using of APC HM/HZ I 0,2% the requirements of protein and minerals can be reduced and by that, the metabolism and the liver of the animals are clearly relieved.
  • Therefore, a reduced input of nitrogen and phosphorus over the feed causes a reduction N and P in the manure. Additional ammonia and noxious gases are reduced up to 50 %!That means sustainable feeding!

usage:                      2 kg for 1.000 kg ready feed for poultry – young animals 

Consulting and least cost optimization of the ready feed with APC HM/HZ I 0,2% you will get from us directly or from our distributors

package                    30 kg bags or Big Bag

stability                     6 months by original closed packing

producer                   Austria – feed mixing corp. ERES Schöllerbacher, A-4493 Wolfern (AT 6024)


We look forward to your contact request!

Ludersdorf 183, A-8200 Gleisdorf

0043 (0) 3112/ 75 20

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